ABA - Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Bullying is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated at Orchard Primary School.

We have high expectations to prevent any form of bullying from our community by:

Providing a safe, secure and inclusive learning environment for all with a strong sense of community and good standards of behaviour.

Ensuring a friendly, supportive atmosphere in which all learners can develop their full potential.

Fostering the positive values, attitudes and skills that learners need to be confident, healthy, well-adjusted and responsible community members.


The ABA Team
Our new Y2 and Y6 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been specially trained to ensure that there are no issues of bullying or intimidating behaviour in school.

Pupils lead assemblies to discuss the importance of friendship and tolerance towards others and help KS1 and KS2 pupils to stay safe and happy during break and lunchtimes.




School Policies
Please click the link to see the School's 'Anti-Bullying Policy':


Bullying Advice
All pupils have been given a copy of our Child-Friendly Anti-Bulling Policy. You can also view our Child-Friendly Anti-Bulling Policy, which looks at peer-on-peer abuse and bullying.

Here is a link to the NSPCC web site which gives information about what bullying is and signs and symptoms your child might show if they are being bullied.

 www.nspcc.org.uk       (NSPCC Bullying Advice)
 www.childline.org.uk  (ChildLine is the free helpline for children and young people in the UK)


Worried about your child being bullied?
If you have any concerns about your child being bullied then please contact Mrs Shields or your child’s class teacher.  You will be asked to complete a report with your child and we will take action from there.

All bullying incidents are logged and outcomes recorded.


Help on how to deal with bullying
Please click on the link below to help deal with bullying:


Bullying Online
If you think your child may be being bullied online at home then you can report this to the school office or your child's class teacher. 

Please save as much of the evidence as possible and we will help to resolve this with you.

For more information on 'E-Safety', please visit our website:

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