Pupil Leadership Council – Empowering our children

We love to involve our children in lots of aspects of school improvement. Our Pupil Leader teams are trained to help in delivering this vision through:

  • Working alongside the staff in making key decisions
  • Voicing opinions and ideas to improve learning and teaching
  • Being visual around the school to promote good behaviour and safety
  • Actively seeking the views of other pupils regarding key issues and changes in the school

Class Ambassadors – Class ambassadors encourage pupil voice via the School Council. They suggest how learning and teaching at Orchard could be developed further.

Library Leaders – These pupils keep the school library tidy by checking books that have been handed in and put them back on in their correct shelves. This makes it easy for others to find the book they are looking for.

Digital Leaders – Each year, pupils in KS2 are given the opportunity to apply to become ‘Digital Learners’ – a responsibility which allows them not only to evaluate the school’s ICT and Digital Learning, but also to become experts in computer technology. As part of their role, the children test new iPad and computer software and support children lower down in the school to use computers confidently and safely. They also ensure that our computing curriculum is exciting and creative and enables pupils to learn how to stay safe online.

Our team of digital learners are also given the opportunity to report on whole-school events, lead assemblies and make suggestions to ensure that the children’s entitlement to Digital Learning is always changing and improving.

House Captains – As well as collecting the House Cup in assemblies, House Captains are responsible for organising their teams during special themed weeks.

ABA – Our Y2 and Y6 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been specially trained to ensure that there are no issues of bullying or intimidating behaviour in school.


Pupils lead assemblies to discuss the importance of friendship and tolerance towards others and help KS1 and KS2 pupils to stay safe and happy during break and lunchtimes.


Sports Ambassadors & Happy Lunchtimes – The children work alongside Midday Supervisors at lunchtimes to teach children new games to play with our equipment, and to organise games. They also work alongside the ABA Team to make sure that all of our pupils are happy and safe.




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