School Meals
School Dinners - Healthy, hot meals are prepared and cooked on-site by our School Food Support Kitchen Team.
A variety of meals are offered on a three-week rolling programme. Menus are seasonal and use fresh produce where possible.
To access the current school menu, please click the link:
Orchard School Relish Lunch Menu Winter/Spring 2024 Week 1.pdf
Orchard School Relish Lunch Menu Winter/Spring 2024 Week 2.pdf
Orchard School Relish Lunch Menu Winter/Spring 2024 Week 3.pdf
The school menu will change after the Easter Break, please click the links below to see the new options:
Orchard School Relish Lunch Menu Spring/Summer 2024 Week 1.pdf
Orchard School Relish Lunch Menu Spring/Summer 2024 Week 2.pdf
Orchard School Relish Lunch Menu Spring/Summer 2024 Week 3.pdf
The school is able to cater for a variety of dietary requirements. If your child has a food allergy or intolerance, and cannot eat a food for religious or cultural reasons, please speak with the school office.
All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for Universal Free School Meals.
Sandwiches - Alternatively, your child may bring his/her own packed lunch. For those who do bring a packed lunch, water is provided, but you may wish to include a non-fizzy cold drink for your child in a suitable unbreakable container. We request that parents provide healthy lunch boxes for children and do not send sweets or chocolate bars.
Orchard is a nut-free zone; please do not send peanut butter sandwiches or any nut products into school. As many children bring similar lunch boxes, please ensure that your child’s full name is displayed on the outside.
Snacks & Sweets - Children may bring a healthy, mid-morning snack (such as a piece of fruit or a cereal bar). We do not allow sweets or chocolate unless it is to celebrate a specific occasion e.g. birthday.
If children wish to celebrate a birthday or other event with their classmates, children may bring a cake or wrapped sweets to be shared among their classmates, although we would request that where possible, an alternative is sought e.g. stickers. Food items such as the above must be taken home rather than eaten at school so that parents can give consent.
School Milk - A carton of milk is provided free of charge each day to all pupils under the age of 5 years. Parents can sign up for their child to receive this during the admissions process. For children aged 5 years and above, parents can choose to buy milk via our Cool Milk Scheme. At the present time a dairy free alternative is not available through our provider although parents are welcome to send a dairy free alternative to school should they wish.
Drinks - Water is available throughout the day.
Free School Meals - If you believe your child is eligible for Free School Meals, please contact the school office with your name, National Insurance Number and Date of Birth, as well as information about the benefit you receive.
Eligibility for a Free School Meal provides your child with much more than a hot dinner every day, it also gives the school access to important funding which can be used to support their education.
If your child is under 19 and in full-time education, you may be able to get free school meals for them if you get one of these benefits:
- Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Income Support (IS)
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
- Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit
- Support under part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 if you’re an asylum seeker
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Children who receive Income Support (IS) or Income Based Jobseekers Allowance in their own right can also get free school meals.