Learning Environment and Display Policy (2023)
The school environment, both indoor and outdoor, must contribute positively to the learning, motivation, attitudes and behaviour of pupils. At Orchard, we are committed to creating, developing and sustaining a physical learning environment that maximises every child’s learning capacity.
At Orchard, we take great pride in how our classrooms and learning environments are organised and how our displays encourage and celebrate children’s achievements. Through inspiring displays and motivational learning environments, both indoors and outdoors, we aim to:
- Create a learning environment that stimulates interest and discussion to challenge children’s knowledge and understanding of the world
- Encourage respect for the school environment and actively work to ensure it is an enriched place to work and learn
- Influence children in best presentation, personal organisation and general tidiness
- Celebrate achievement and raise self-esteem for all
- Use display and resources to positively impact on learning; through consolidation/reminder of previous learning and introducing new information and knowledge
- Represent all children in our displays including that of children’s outcomes and learning