Early Years Foundation Stage
Welcome to EYFS
Welcome to Foundation Stage.
We have an amazing staff team in EYFS, consisting of the class teachers: Mrs McGravie for Green Apples and Mr Owen for Red Apples and the support staff: Mrs Bowden, Mrs Bucknall and Mrs Fordham. We do our very best to make sure all children have a wonderful start to their school life.
Children in our Reception class follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. This curriculum is the forerunner to the National Curriculum and involves young children experimenting, investigating, and making sense of the world around them through play. The EYFS curriculum has 7 aspects. The first three are the Prime Areas as skills in these aspects underpin all other learning:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Self-care, Self-regulation, Building Relationships)
- Communication and Language (Listening, Attention and Understanding; Speaking)
- Physical Development (Gross Motor Skills, Fine Motor Skills)
- Literacy (Comprehension, Word Reading, Writing)
- Mathematics (Numbers, Numerical Patterns)
- Understanding the World (People, Culture and Communities, The Natural World, Past and Present)
- Expressive Arts and Design (Creating with Materials; Being Imaginative and Expressive).
Exciting first-hand experiences, both child-initiated and adult-led, enable the children to develop knowledge, understanding and key skills in all areas of learning which provide a sound basis for later education.
All children participate in three ‘carpet time’ sessions during the day where more formal skills in phonics, reading, writing and maths are taught. They have snack and milk time in the middle of the morning and a story at the end of every day. The rest of the time, the children are able to access all areas of the learning environment both indoors and outside. During this time, the classes mix together, with all staff involved in playing and learning activities.
Throughout the year an ongoing profile of each child’s key learning achievements will be kept, based on regular observations. Parents can access their child’s digital ‘Learning Journey’ and add their own observations and photos through the Tapestry app.
What Are Class EYFS Learning About This Year?
Termly Overview
Term | Link |
Autumn | EYFS Overview Autumn 2023.pdf |
Spring | EYFS Overview Spring 2024.pdf |
Summer | EYFS Overview Summer 2024.pdf |
Knowledge Organiser
A Knowledge Organiser is a go-to document for a topic/unit of work: each one identifies the key information that children need to have learned by the end of a topic. It also acts as a tool to support children in retaining and retrieving knowledge for life-long learning.
We have developed our own Knowledge Organisers to support the delivery of the curriculum, with each one starting with knowledge children should already know from previous learning. Each organiser also has a quiz to help children recall the knowledge and a list of technical vocabulary with definitions.
Termly Topic Maps
Medium Term Planning