Outdoor Learning
We want to develop a very child-centred, explorative approach to education at Orchard Community Primary School, which sets learning from the national curriculum in a different context – outdoor learning activities enable us to do just that.
Staff at Orchard are passionate about enabling children to explore their own learning in the richest classroom possible – the outdoors.
We, therefore, look for creative ways to integrate a range of practical outdoor activities into lessons, such as building fairy and elf houses from mud, leaves and twigs to inspire storytelling and literacy or to support work in maths for example, through the creation of 3d shapes by lashing whittled wood together.
Moreover, children are physically active helping to lead to the development of healthier lifestyles.
The Outdoor Policy and Plans can be found in the links below:
Outdoor Learning Statement of Intent, Implementation & Impact.pdf
Outdoor Learning Long Term Plan (LTP).pdf
Outdoor Learning Progression Map.pdf